Duties, powers:
1. Develop guidelines, policies, directions, strategies, plans programs, projects, legal documents, instruction documents on science, technology, environment in the field state management of the Ministry, for the Ministry submit to the authorities approval or Ministry approval, issued under the authority; directing and implementing of strategies, plans, programs, projects after being approved.
2. Development and management system : the norms, national technical standards, procedures, technical regulations, norms and economic - technical, typical design, model design in the field of state management of Ministry; the system of measurement criteria of construction; guidelines applicable foreign technical standards in construction activities.
3. Manage the evaluation and certification appropriate standards for the goods and products of building materials, including asign organizations certification and appropriate standards, guidelines and inspect activities of assessment and certification appropriate standards; management implementation barcode, product codes for goods in the construction in accordance with the law; inspect, evaluate the quality of products, goods of construction materials.
4. Appraising and recognized laboratories specialized in construction; management, inspect operation of testing laboratories specialized in the field of state management of Ministry.
5. Appraise, evaluate construction technology, environmental technology, innovations and technical innovations in the field of management of state management of Ministry for submit to authorities decide on recognition and guidance application on nationwide.
6. Guide the integration of planning, plans, programs on environmental protection in the strategy, planning, plans, programs development in the field of state management of Ministry; guide the formulation environmental assessment strategies, assessment of environmental impacts in the field of state management of Ministry; appraisal report environmental impact assessment under the authority of the Ministry of Construction.
7. Monitoring environmental impacts from the operation of the construction industry, report the situation of environmental impact of the construction industry; management and control of waste, noise, vibration, light, picture radiation, prevention, incident response environment, overcoming pollution, environmental restoration in the field of state management of Ministry.
8. Research, propose the issuance of new or amended and supplemented the technical norms, national standards for environment; submit to the Ministry promulgated under the authority the technical norms on environmental quality, quality environmental waste management in the field of state management of Ministry.
9. Perform the duties of Notification Authorities of Ministry of Construction on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Notification Authorities).
10. Management tasks of the Ministry of Construction on the national program objectives, the key programs of the State relating to the development of science and technology, save energy, adaptation to climate change, sustainable development, green growth.
11. Guide, supervise, inspect the implementation of the tasks of science, technology, environment management in the field of state management of Ministry.
12. Subscribe, synthesis, evaluation and reporting on the implementation of science, technology, environment management in the field of state management of Ministry.
13. Coordinate with other agencies and the local unit to perform the function of state management of the Ministry on science, technology, the environment in the field of state management of Ministry.
14. Science - Technology and Environment Department has rights:
14.1. Require agencies and organizations active in the field of state management of the Ministry to provide documents and data necessary for the implementation of the field work of the Department;
14.2. Ministers are authorized to sign several of documents about the field of work of the Department in accordance with the regulations of working of MOC.
15. Perform other duties, powers as assigned by the Minister.
1. Science - Technology and Environment Department have the Head of Department, Deputy Head of Department and a number of professional staffing norms consistent with the needs, tasks of the Department in each period.
2. The Head of Department, Deputy Head of Department to appointment, dismissal, demotion by Minister of Construction in accordance with the Party and the law.
3. Based on the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Science - Technology and Environment Department, the Head of Department is responsible for the planning stages, identify staffing needs of the Department, build and working regulations issued by the Department; assign tasks, clearly define authority and responsibility of each individual in the the Department and report to the Minister.
4. Head of Department is responsible to the Minister and the law on the entire operation of the Department, Deputy Head of Department is responsible to the Head of Department and the law on the areas assigned.
Source: Decision 1008/QD-BXD.
(This translation is for reference only)