Workshop to discuss challenges for urban development

Thứ năm, 23/04/2015 10:24
Từ viết tắt Xem với cỡ chữ
A workshop entitled “City Resilience – Challenges for Urban Development in Southern Viet Nam” will take place in Ho Chi Minh City on April 23.

Participants to the workshop include representatives of the Belgian Embassy, Department of Architecture and Planning, Ton Duc Thang University, Can Tho University, HCMC University of Architecture, HCMC University of Transport, Viet Nam – Germany University, Southern Institute for Spatial Planning of Viet Nam, Southern Institute of Water Resources, VBA, East Asia Association of Transport in Viet Nam, Beluxcham, relevant local and international businesses and students of the planning-architecture field.

The event focused on two main topics “city resilience” and “challenges” for urban development. Integrated modalities of city resilience in the process of urban planning; socio-economic, environmental challenges urban areas are facing, solutions as well as case studies were presented at the workshop.

Urban development in the context of climate change is one of the focal sectors of the Belgian Development Cooperation in Viet Nam. The workshop is among the activities funded by the Belgian Embassy in order to create an active forum in the field.

The Organizers do hope that the success of the workshop would bring cooperation opportunities in the future to all concerned parties, as well as establish a network of dedicated experts of universities, research institutes and the private sector./.

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