Gov’t enhances support for auxiliary industries

Thứ tư, 02/03/2011 00:00
Từ viết tắt Xem với cỡ chữ
PMNguyễn Tấn Dũng recently issued Decision No. 12/2011/QĐ-TTg to boostsome auxiliary industries and improve the competitiveness of Vietnameseproducts.

The Decision aims to boost supporting industries for some key sectors, including mechanics, manufacturing, IT, automobiles, garment and textiles, footwear, and high-tech fields. 

Accordingly, projects producing products of auxiliary industries will be financed for their trade and investment promotion programs.
These projects are allowed to free-of-charge advertise their products at websites of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and local Departments of Industry and Trade. 

Auxiliary industries will be given preferential priorities in land allocation and lease. 
Additionally, auxiliary projects clustered in industrial parks and zones are free to utilize infrastructure as well as other services.

They will also get assistance in labor recruitment and training, financial support from the National Science and Technology Development Fund, technology transfer, copyright, and employing foreign experts.  

These projects will enjoy preferences of tariff in line with the current provisions, according to the decision./.


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