Deputy Minister of Construction Mr. Trinh Dinh Dung had intimate meeting with South Korean Parliament MPs

Thứ ba, 28/12/2010 00:00
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On the morning of 27/12/2010 in Hanoi, the Party Central Committee -Deputy Minister of Construction Mr. Trinh Dinh Dung received intimatemeeting with South Korean Parliament MPs by Mr. Rhee In-Je as his chiefand had a visit working in Vietnam. Joining the meeting were leaders ofthe Department of Construction: Director of Urban Development Mr. LuuDuc Hai, Deputy Director of Architectural Planning Mr. Le Dinh Tri,Deputy Director of International Cooperation Mr. Pham Khanh Toan.

Deputy Minister of Construction Mr. Trinh Dinh Dung recevied Mr. Rhee In-Je - South Korean Parliament MP

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister of Construction Mr. Trinh Dinh Dung expressed his excitement and he was delighted to welcome South Korean Parliament MP Mr. Rhee In-Je and the members of the delegation visited the Ministry of Construction, who were interested in the field of infrastructure construction, urban development and housing. According to Deputy Minister of Construction Mr. Trinh Dinh Dung, South Korea is an impressive example of the spirit of overcoming difficulties come up in economic development and urban. Currently, cooperation between the two countries are very nice, is to elevate the strategic partnership. The development of Vietnam today is the effective cooperation of the South Korean government since the two countries established diplomatic relations.

Deputy Minister of Construction Mr. Trinh Dinh Dung highly appreciated the contributions of South Korean enterprises doing business in Vietnam. Total registered capital of enterprises in Vietnam, South Korea is now at approximately $ 23 billion USD, investment in many sectors: industry, agriculture, services, infrastructure development, real estate ... The investment project of South Korean enterprises in Vietnam also offers you the experience of Vietnam enterprises, create jobs for people and contribute to the economic development of Vietnam. Deputy Minister of Construction Mr. Trinh Dinh Dung also expressed thanks to the South Korean government has created conditions for ODA to Vietnam recently.

Talking with Mr. Rhee In-Je MP, Deputy Minister Mr. Trinh Dinh Dung said that Vietnam is now facing the challenges of development that South Korea had experienced the previous period. So, Vietnam wants to study the experience of South Korea, particularly in the areas of infrastructure construction, urban development and housing, environmental remediation ... Vietnam is actively investment in infrastructure construction, however the infrastructure development is still slow and have not kept pace and did not meet the demand, creating bottlenecks hindering the development process, especially the transportation system , seaports, aviation, energy ... Besides, the problem of global climate change, sea level rise which Vietnam is predicted to be a lot of water damage are also major challenges. Ministry of Construction of Vietnam wants to study South Korea's experience in the field of urban planning, urban planning management, urban infrastructure development and housing, environmental remediation, rural development...

The members of the South Korean MPs take souvenir photos with Deputy Minister of Construction Trinh Dinh Dung and leaders of departments of the Ministry of Construction

Congressman Mr. Rhee In-Je in meetings with the Ministry of Construction, said the early 1960s South Korea began the process of urbanization, while about 80% of the population working in the South Korean agriculture and lives in rural areas. Until now, South Korea has about 90% of the population living in urban areas. The process of urbanization such quick success in the world was only in South Korea. In the 30 years since the early 1960s to the 90s of last century, the growth of South Korean economy has maintained high at 10% per year. To get that result, the South Korean government has implemented policies consistent and tough, accrued interest and effort to develop roads, ports, airports, energy ... Since the South Korean and Vietnam established diplomatic relations until now, the South Korean government is always interested and desire to promote cooperation with Vietnam, and very glad that that relationship was to elevate partners strategy. On behalf of South Korean Parliament MP, Mr. Rhee In-Je expressed thanks Ministry of Construction of Vietnam on the vital contribution in promoting the development of cooperation relations between Vietnam and South Korea.

According to him Mr. Rhee In-Je, South Korea and Vietnam have many similarities, both in terms of culture, the human soul as well as the development process. South Korea would like to share with Vietnam its experiences in the areas of mutual interest. Currently there are many South Korean enterprises doing business effectively in Vietnam, on behalf of the South Korean MPs delegation, Mr. Rhee In-Je He wants the Ministry of Construction to create favorable conditions for South Korean enterprises. Mr. Rhee In-Je desire Vietnam Ministry of Construction and other units under the Ministry of strengthening the exchange, to communicate with the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Korea to enhance mutual understanding, sharing experiences and increase opportunities for cooperation between the two sides.

Deputy Miniser Mr. Trinh Dinh Dung agreed with his comments Mr. Rhee In-Je, confident that Mr. Rhee In-Je His voice will be important to promote cooperative relations between Vietnam - South Korea particularly in the field of infrastructure development and urban. Deputy Minister Trinh Dinh Dung also congratulated the health and success for Mr. Rhee In-Je MP and other union members in the New Year, wishing the team has exciting day in Vietnam.

Speaking from the meeting, Mr. Rhee In-Je expressed delighted to welcome intimacy of the Deputy Minister Trinh Dinh Dung and Deputy leaders of the Ministry of Construction, and confirmed the team members will be ambassadors for propagate and promote the image of Vietnam in South Korea. /.

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