Workshop "Technical measures to prevent work accidents in construction of works"

Thứ bẩy, 15/12/2018 11:00
Từ viết tắt Xem với cỡ chữ
State Agency for Construction Quality Inspection collaborated with Hanoi Architectural University to hold a workshop “Technical measures to prevent work accidents in Construction works". Deputy Minister of Construction Le Quang Hung attended and had the opening speech on December, 14th. 

Deputy Minister Le Quang Hung speaks at the workshop.

Speaking at the workshop, Deputy Minister Le Quang Hung said that ensuring work safety in construction is an important task with practical significance for people's lives, contributing to ensure Social safety, national development. Over the past years, the Ministry of Construction has constantly improved and promoted the propagation and dissemination of the system of legal policies on work safety in the construction, in order to raise the sense of law observance and the regulations on work safety for all organizations and individuals participating in construction activities nationwide.

Referring to a number of cases of work accidents in construction recently, Deputy Minister Le Quang Hung paid special attention to ensuring safety for construction work scaffolding systems and desired Experts and delegates at the workshop to discuss, select and propose effective technical measures to further improve the work of ensuring safety for scaffolding systems in particular and labor safety in construction works in general.

Mr Nguyen Ngoc Tu – Representative of  State Agency for Construction Quality Inspection speaks at the workshop.

Presenting the speech "State management on work safety in construction", Mr. Nguyen Tuan Ngoc Tu - Representative of  State Agency for Construction Quality Inspection said: “The Expertise Department is assigned by the Ministry of Construction to be the advisory body, assisting the Minister in performing the state management of construction safety. Over the past time,  The Expertise Department has actively implemented legal regulations on work safety, implemented safety management of machinery and equipment used in construction and national target programs on work safety.

In addition,  the Expertise Department has focused on reviewing the entire system of current national technical regulations and standards with contents related to work safety in construction, and studying work safety management systems of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and developed countries in the world to advise and recommend, amend and supplement to build a system of Vietnamese technical standards in ensuring consistency and suitableness with the development level of current construction science and technology.

Senior Advisor of JICA Noda Seiji speaks at the workshop

Speaking at the workshop, Senior Advisor of JICA Noda Seiji said that technical measures to prevent work accidents  at the construction site are mainly carried out by contractors. In order to prevent accidents and ensure the lives and safety of workers, contractors must fulfill the responsibilities specified in the Contract with work safety and hygiene measures; strictly comply with the law on construction safety, including the National Technical Regulation QCVN 18: 2014/ BXD "Safety in construction".

According to Mr Noda Seiji, Vietnam has completed the legal framework on construction safety by issuing the Law on Labor Safety and Hygiene on July 1, 2016 and Circular No. 04/20170/TT-BXD on March 30, 2017 of the Ministry of Construction regulated work safety management in construction. Amendments and supplements to QCVN 18: 2014/ BXD and preparation in building new Technical Regulations made by the State Agency for Construction Quality Inspection (Expertise Department ) would positively contribute to ensure work safety in  construction in Vietnam.

Experts and delegates at the workshop.

At the seminar, experts and delegates discussed lively many topics related to technical measures to prevent work accidents in construction, such as: Application of legal documents and regulations on safety in JICA-funded construction investment projects in Vietnam; technical measures of work safety in overhead works; risks of unsafe labor in construction of high-rise buildings;measures to monitor and prevent incidents; studying the model of applying risk assessment system in work  safety and hygiene for  small and medium construction enterprises in Vietnam; scaffolding safety in construction; work safety management of supervision consultants in construction works.

Written by: Tran dinh ha

Translated by: Mai Anh

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