Japan to help Viet Nam improve road maintenance

Thứ sáu, 01/07/2011 00:00
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Over the next 30 months Japan plans to transfer its latest roadmaintenance technology to Viet Nam to help the country improve itstransport infrastructure.

The project, supported by the Japanese government, will be launched in the middle of 2011 and will have a total budget of JPY345 million (US$4.3 million).

The Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) and the Directorate for Roads of Viet Nam (DRVN) will sign an agreement tomorrow authorising the project.

Under the programme, the DRVN will enhance its road maintenance capacity by establishing a modern information system to manage the national road system, which covers a total length of 16,758km.

Tsuno Motonori, chief representative of JICA Viet Nam, said Viet Nam had so far focused on road building rather than maintenance, which lacked investment.

The project will introduce new information technologies to the management and monitoring of the road system rather than conventional forms of road maintenance such as road cleaning, asphalting and water drainage, JICA experts said.

The new data system will gauge road damage, necessary repairs and the costs involved.
DRVN officials will also take part in on-site training courses on road-maintenance skills and technology transfer.
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