Cuba and Vietnam Sign Economic Cooperation Agreements

Thứ bẩy, 25/09/2010 00:00
Từ viết tắt Xem với cỡ chữ
Cuba and Vietnam signed several cooperationagreements on September24th,2010, during the last session of theIntergovernmental Cooperation Mechanism Meeting, that began inHavana on September 20 with the objective of the strengtheningbilateral bonds.

Vietnamese Construction Minister Nguyen Hong Quan and Cuban Foreign Investment and Commerce Minister Rodrigo Malmierca, signed the bilateral intergovernmental meeting protocol.

Cuban Foreign Investment and Commerce Minister Rodrigo Malmierca and Vietnamese Construction Minister Nguyen Hong Quan, signed the Protocol of the Intergovernmental Mechanism for Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation between Cuba and Vietnam.

Among the agreements signed is the 2010-2015 Cuba-Vietnam Cooperation Project Direction Rules for the production of rice in Cuba, aimed at reducing imports. The agreement was signed by Cuba Deputy Minister of Agriculture Juan Perez and his Vietnamese Counterpart Bui Ba Bong.

Malmierca said that the relations between the governments and parties of the two countries were excellent, and that this meeting was a step forward in the development of bilateral economic and cooperation bonds, despite the complex international situation.

Minister Nguyen Hong Quan thanked Cuba’s work, and noted that the meeting takes place on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, with a view to strengthening friendship and cooperation.
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