The Information Center

Thứ năm, 24/10/2013 13:02
Từ viết tắt Xem với cỡ chữ
Position, functions:The Information Center is a state units belong the Ministry of Construction, perform the following functions: to advise Ministers agreed information management activities and application of information technology throughout the construction industry for the state management of Ministry, the direction, administration of the Ministry’s leadership and training, scientific research, application of technical progress, production and business development of the units in the Construction; building, management, operation of specialized databases and national databases where the Ministry are assigned to manage;building, operation management systems of technical infrastructure, database and a computerized information system of the Ministry.The Information Center has legal status, has the seal for transaction, open an account at the State Treasury and the Bank under the provisions of the law; operating autonomy, self-responsibility for implementation mission, organizational structure, staffing and financing of public service units are prescribed in Decree No. 43/2006/ND-CP of April 25, 2006 of the Government and the regulations relevant law. Headquarters of the Center is located at: 37 Le Dai Hanh Street, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi.

Duties, powers:

1. To chair, coordinate with the relevant units building for submiting to the Ministry approval strategy, planning, 5 year plans, annual plan on activities of information and information technology applications in construction industry; implementation after approval.

2. Develop action of information plans and plan of information technology application of the Ministry of Construction; guidance, support units in the construction industry and implementation activities of information and information technology applications of the unit, ensuring appropriate operational plan of information and information technology applications in construction industry as approved by Minisstry.

3. To chair, coordinate with relevant units for submit to the Ministry for issued regulations, policies, rules, regulations on the management of information and information technology applications to apply uniformly in construction industry, including : information technology standards; regime gather, manage, store, process and deliver information, regime security and security of information, the norms of cost for the operations information and information technology application.

4. Development, management, operation of specialized databases and national database that the Minisstry assigned management.

5. Perform tasks permanent body, responsible for the information technology of Moinisstry; development, deployment, operation applications of information technology in the connstruction industry, including :

5.1. Building, deploying, management of operating, technical support on : technical infrastructure system and information technology of the ministry; infrastructure of unified communications of construction industry; system technical infrastructure and programs of application information technology for specialized database, national database that the Ministry assigned to manage; the center for integration of the data of Ministry; to ensure the compatible technology in the information systems of construction industry;

5.2. Develop and deploy programs of technology information applications common used and integration between systems integration across the construction industry;

5.3. Develop and implement state administrative computerization program of construction industry;

5.4. Building, management, operating and maintaining the operation of the Website of Ministry and the internal communication network of the Ministry; Clue to connect the information netwwork of Ministry to the Government, ministries, branches, localities and agencies concerned;

5.5. To chair, coordinate with the concerned unit building, collecting, updating, processing, storage, extraction informations and management databases, electronic information for service of the the state management of the Minisstry and the direction, operations of leaders of the Ministry.

6. Organization editors, compilers, publications publish information about policies, science and technology activities, management activities service for the direction, operaton of the leaders of Ministry and operation of the unit in the construction industry.

7. Chair or coordinate with the functional units of the Ministry, propaganda, dissemination, interpretation, public response, agencies, organizations, individuals on matters relating to the policies, legal law and management activities of the state management of Ministry; tasks TBT Ask-Question point of the Ministry of Construction.

8. Subscribe, synthesis, analysis daily information about the areas of the state management of Ministry and operation of the unit in the construction industry; proactively propose solutions to public -oriented, multi-dimensional information, transparency serve for management of Mnistry and to meet the demand of information supply for social.9. To hair or participate in organized events, conferences, seminars, press conferences, exhibition of the construction industry; held filming, photographing, reporting on the activities of the construction industry; organizing activities to develop, promote the image of the Ministry of Construction at home and abroad as prescribed by law.

10. To collect, synthesize, manage, archive documents, materials, books, newspapers, domesstic and foreign scientific-technical journals related to the construction industry; the management of the library of Minisstry to serve lookup, provide timely information as required by the state management, business-production activity of the units in the construction industry.

11. Implementing scientific research topics, projects in the field of information and information technology by the State, the Ministry of Construction assigned or by agencies, organizations, enterprices ordering.

12. To cooperate with other organizations, domestic and international experts in the field of operations of Center as the functions, duties assigned.

13. Participate in the evaluation of information projects and application of information technology projects in the fields of management of Ministry as assigned by the Minister.

14. To cooperate with agencies to inspect the implementation of the state provisions and of the Ministry of Construction on information and information technology operations at the agencies and units in construction industry; proposed handling case of violations.
15. Implementing consultancy, services on information and information technology as prescribed by law, including:

15.1. Organize training enhance capacity, retraining, training professional on information and information technology;

15.2. Technical consultancy, technology transfer, design, supply and development of information and information technology products;

15.3. Consulting, providing services events, conferences, seminars, press conferences, fairs, exhibitions, brand promotion; providing publications, documents, information materials as prescribed by law.

16. Management of organizational structure, staffing, implementation of salary and other policies, emulation, reward and discipline of officials, employees of the field of management of the Centre as prescribed by law and of the Ministry of Construction.

17. Financial management, properties allocation, management of revenue-generating activities of the Centre as prescribed by law and of the Ministry of Construction.

18. Director of Information Center has right :

18.1. Require agencies, units, organizations active in the field of state management of the Ministry and the local supply of information, data, documents necessary for the implementation of work of the Centre;

18.2. Request information units, press units and the relevant unit under the Ministry to implement or coordinate activities on information serve the state management of the Ministry and the direction, operation of the leaders of Ministry as the program, the plan has been approved by Ministry.

19. Perform other duties, powers as assigned by the Minister of MOC.


1. The units:

1.1. General Division;

1.2. Division of Data Integration Division;

1.3 . Division of Information Technology;

1.4. Division of Information - Documents;

1.5. Website of Construction Ministry.

Divisions have heads, some deputy heads and officials, professional employees manning consistent with the needs, tasks of the Center in each period.

The establishment, reorganization and dissolution of divisions by the Information Center decided by Minister on the proposal of the the director of the Center and the Head of Department of the Organization and Personal Department.

2. Leadership Center:

2.1. Information Center has Director and the Deputy Directors. Director of the Center assumed the position of Chief of Information Technology (CIO);

2.2. Director and Deputy Director appointment, dismissal or demotion by Minister of Construction in accordance with the Party and the law;

2.3. Based on the functions, tasks, powers, organizational structure of the Information Center, the Director is responsible for the planning stages, determine the staffing needs of the Information Center, building and promulgate working regulations of the Centre; defined the functions, tasks, powers, organizational structure of the attached divisions; defined authority, responsibilities of each divission, individual in Information Center and report to the Minister;

2.4. Director of the Centre to appoint, dismiss the Head, Deputy Head of the division of Center as regulations prescribed by the Party, the law and decentralization of the Ministry;

2.5. Director of Center is responsible to the Minister and the law on the entire operation of the Information Center, Deputy director responsible to the Director and the law on the areas assigned.

Source : Decision 990/QD-BXD.
(This translation is for reference only)

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