A ground breaking ceremony was held on September 21 for Turbine No 2 of the O Mon 1 Thermal Power Plant in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho.
It is being built with 27.5 billion JPY (35 million USD) in official development assistance (ODA) loan from Japan , through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
The Turbine No. 2, with a total capacity of 330 MW, will be constructed by Sojitz Corporation ( Japan ) and Daelim Industrial Company ( Republic of Korea ) under the supervision of Japan’s Tokyo Electric Power Service Company.
The O Mon 1 Thermal Power Plant is invested with total capital 462 million USD, with the Turbine No. 1 started operation in 2009.
Once completed in the second quarter of 2015, the Turbine No. 2 will generate about 1.9 billion kWh of electricity annually, and supply power for 62 industrial zones in the Mekong Delta region.
Source : VNA