Berlin is growing. By the year 2030, there will be 250,000 more people living in the city than there are today.1 This will bring with it an increase in the demand for housing as well as in requirements for mobility, the adaptation of infrastructures and the availability of resources such as water, energy, data and building land. Like many major urban centres around the world, this means that Berlin is also facing a wide variety of challenges for the future: the growing city, the aging city or the city in the midst of structural change all require inter-disciplinary and inter-departmental approaches if solutions are to be found. The Smart City approach aims to find solutions to the ecological, social, economic and cultural challenges faced by Berlin through the use of intelligent technology. Berlin wishes to preserve – and as far as possible enhance – its appeal and its quality of life.
The “BerlinStrategy | Urban Development Concept Berlin 2030” represents the city’s own cutting-edge mission statement. The Smart City Strategy Berlin, submitted within this framework, sets out an innovative strategic policy approach aimed at serving the common good by expanding and ensuring the future sustainability of Berlin.
Detailed contents following attached file:
Berlin Strategy Smart City_EN
Berlin Strategy Smart City_VN