The Signing Ceremony of minutes of meeting between Ministry of Construction and JICA

Friday, 08/09/2019 15:05
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The Signing Ceremony of minutes of meeting between Ministry of Construction and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) regarding the Project for Capacity Enhancement in developing state management tools for construction projects was held in Hanoi. There were Deputy Minister of Construction Bui Pham Khanh, JICA survey leader Shuntaro Kawahara, leaders and staffs of Construction Economics Department and JICA experts at the ceremony.

Deputy Minister Bui Pham Khanh witnessed Director Pham Van Khanh and Head of JICA Survey team Shuntaro Kawahara to sign the Minutes of Meeting.

Deputy Minister Bui Pham Khanh acknowledged and appreciated the efforts of the MoC and JICA experts in working sessions between the two parties to agree on the contents of the minutes of meeting.

The minutes of meeting between two sides is the important document for the implementation of the Project for Capacity Enhancement in developing state management tools for construction project (Project). The minutes will be sent to the relevant agencies of Vietnam (JICA reports to the Japan Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism); after being approved, the MoC and JICA will sign a Memorandum of Understanding to implement the Project (striving in the fourth quarter of 2019).

Deputy Minister Bui Pham Khanh spoke at the ceremony.

Mr Shuntaro Kawahara thanked Deputy Minister Bui Pham Khanh as well as leader of the Construction Economics Department for their support in the working program and believed that the Project would contribute to further strengthening the deep cooperation between Vietnam and Japan.

Director of Construction Economics Department – Pham Van Khanh said that this was the next Project of the CCQ Project in the period 2015 – 2018 (Technical cooperation project "Strengthening capacity on cost estimation, contract management, quality and safety in construction investment projects in Vietnam”) supported by Japanese Government to improve Vietnam's construction cost management system for public projects.

Head of JICA Survey team Shuntaro Kawahara spoke at the ceremony.

Previously, CCS project helped Vietnam to improve the construction cost estimation. With this Project, Japan would help Vietnam to complete all the remaining expenses in the total investment, including 5 main outputs: Improvement the system of management tools including the system of direct cost norms; determination unit prices of materials, labor and machines according to market mechanisms; completion indirect costs for specific types of works; completion the consulting cost includes 3 main types: design costs, construction survey costs and monitoring costs; completion the total investment. After being completed, the Project would directly support Projet 2038 (Decision No. 2038/QĐ-TTg dated December 18, 2017 of the Prime Minister) on completing the system of norms and construction prices.

Written by: Tran Dinh Ha
Translated by: Mai Anh

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