Minister Nguyen Thanh Nghi receives the Cuban First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Tuesday, 08/30/2022 16:12
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Minister Nguyen Thanh Nghi, Chairman of the Vietnam Sub-Committee of the Vietnam - Cuba Intergovernmental Committee had a meeting with the Cuban First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Gerardo Peñalver Portal on August 30th. There were leaders of functional units under the Ministry of Construction; Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Cuba to Vietnam Orlando Nicolás Hernández Guillén and members of delegation of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the meeting.

Minister Nguyen Thanh Nghi receives the Cuban First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Deputy Minister Gerardo Peñalver Portal thanked Minister Nguyen Thanh Nghi for warmly welcome and thanked Ministry of Construction and businesses for helping the Cuba Government and people to overcome the aftermaths of the recent oil storage facility fire.

The visit of the Cuban Foreign Ministry delegation to Vietnam aims to prepare the best conditions for the Cuban Prime Minister's visit and work in Vietnam in the coming time and promote the cooperation between two countries at the 40th session of the Vietnam - Cuba Intergovernmental Committee.

Mr. Gerardo Peñalver Portal highly appreciated the effectiveness of cooperation projects of Vietnamese enterprises, such as VIGLACERA-JSC, Thai Binh ... being implemented in Cuba, and said that recently the Cuba Government has issued many policies to attract foreign investment and create favorable conditions for Vietnamese enterprises to invest and deploy projects in Cuba.

Minister Nguyen Thanh Nghi hopes that the traditional friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Cuba is increasingly developing in all fields of politics, economic, cultural and social life. The activities of the Vietnam - Cuba Vietnam - Cuba Intergovernmental Committee are also increasingly practical and effective.

 Minister Nguyen Thanh Nghi took a photo with the Cuban First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Minister Nguyen Thanh Nghi assessed that the upcoming visit of the Cuban Prime Minister will be an opportunity to elevate the traditional friendship between the two countries and open up new cooperation opportunities. Therefore, the Ministry of Construction will closely coordinate with the Cuban Embassy in Vietnam and relevant agencies to make good preparations and create the best conditions for the official visit of the Cuban Prime Minister and the 40th meeting of the Vietnam - Cuba Intergovernmental Committee in La-Habana in November 2022.

Minister Nguyen Thanh Nghi hoped that Cuba focus on removing obstacles and creating favorable conditions for Vietnamese businesses operating in Cuba and said that, Ministry of Construction always actively coordinated with ministries and sectors to further enhance the traditional friendship and cooperation between two countries Vietnam - Cuba.

Written by: Tran Dinh Ha - Translated by: Mai Anh

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