The Conference evaluation Project adjustable construction planning of Hanoi Capital Region to 2030 and vision to 2050

Monday, 02/09/2015 10:23
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February 6, 2015, at the Ministry of Construction, Minister Trinh Dinh Dung chaired the evaluation Project adjustable construction planning of Hanoi Capital Region to 2030 and vision to 2050.

Minister Trinh Dinh Dung speaking at the opening..

Attending the Conference were Deputy Minister of Construction Nguyen Dinh Toan; represent of consultant - Vietnam Institute for Urban and Rural Planning (VIUP); representative domestic and international consultants and critics. Attending the Conference also were all the members of the Board evaluation from the ministries, the Office of Government; Hanoi People's Committee and 09 local in the Capital Region; leaders of departments under the Ministry of Construction.

Speaking at the opening, the Minister Trinh Dinh Dung said Hanoi is a modern large-scale development. The link between Hanoi and the space surrounding provinces in the region is essential to make the two-dimensional dynamics of the mutual development between the capital and the urban, economic zones, zones industry in a large territory. Implementation of Decision 490/QĐ-TTg of the Prime Minister approving the construction planning of Hanoi Capital Region to 2020 and vision to 2050, many achievements have been recorded in the construction management system infrastructure links between localities in the region. However, going through many changes - especially the adjustment of boundaries, expanding the scope of the capital in 2008 - a need for innovative thinking in line with planning for the integration trend, while more in line with actual conditions of Vietnam. Meet the overall development process, the Government has assigned the Ministry of Construction is the focal organization founded Project adjust construction planning Hanoi Capital Region. This is a difficult problem by adjusting the scope extensive planning, including Hanoi and 09 other provinces, the regional diversity of terrain, with strong cultural identity northern region, the level of development between the local uneven ... Therefore, the adjustment of the planning area to unify the major orientation and focus on development for the region, flexible space structures and modern.

In this spirit, the Minister wishes, the conference evaluation will be an opportunity for experts, members of the Council focused discussion, consensus, the views of the Project. Ministry of Construction will be responsible for collection of comments, directing research and consulting complete the Project on the basis of this opinion, the Government approved soon, for Project can be implemented in the future.

Translated by CITC

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