MOC launched the movement emulation to successfully completing the task in 2015

Friday, 03/13/2015 14:07
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On March 12, 2015, at the Headquarters of Ministry of Construction, Boards emulation and Trade Union of MOC launched the movement emulation to successfully completing the task in 2015. Ministers of Construction Trinh Dinh Dung attended and spoke at the ceremony.

Ministers of Construction Trinh Dinh Dung speaking at the ceremony

Attending the launching ceremony had Deputy Ministers of Construction, representatives of Vietnam Construction Trade Union, leaders and specialist of departments, Inspector, Office of the Ministry Construction and units belong the Ministry of Construction.

At the ceremony, on behalf of the Boards emulation and the Trade Union of MOC, Chairman of the Trade Union of MOC Mrs Tran Thi Luu launched a emulation for all officers, employees, Agencies belong Office of the Ministry Construction for successful completion of tasks in 2015, practically celebrate the Party Congress to Congress XII th National Party, to Congress IX th national patriotic emulation and national holidays in 2015.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister Trinh Dinh Dung outlined the key tasks of Ministry of construction in 2015, and recognized and praised the efforts of the collective and individual belong Office of the Ministry Construction, has helped the Ministry of Construction successfully completed the task in 2014.

Minister Trinh Dinh Dung also called on all officers and employees of Ministry of Construction continues to promote the achievement of the construction field for more than a half century, promote the results of the construction field has achieved over the years to complete the outstanding tasks in 2015.

At the ceremony, authorized by the President, the Minister Trinh Dinh Dung was awarded First Class Labor Medal to Mr. Nguyen Hong Khai - Head of Department, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Construction; Second Labour Medal to Mr. Pham Gia Yen - Head of Inspector Department; Third Class Labor Medal and the Merit of Prime Minister for many groups and individuals belong Office of the Ministry Construction has made outstanding achievements in their work. /.

Translated by CITC

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